1. Price. You don't have to license as many "CALS" as users on your
2. Stability: LINUX just goes non-stop.
3. Security: It is much more secure than other systems in the market
4. Compatibility: It recognises the majority of other OS in the
5. Speed: It is much faster to complete most tasks.
6. Technical Support: It has the support of thousands of programmers
and user around the world and around the clock. Frequent updates are
there as opposed to "service packs" once in many months.
7. The installer packets include the source code, which allows you to
modify, and improve it depending on your particular needs.
8. Ideal for programming: It is possible to write programs for Linux
under different platforms, and includes software compilers by default.
9. It is a system of rapid growth.
10. It is possible to run it using commodity hardware (even 486s!).
(Can use for 386 with some compilation)
11. Multitasking is REAL and not an afterthought. (similarly It is a
multiuser system from groundup)
12. It can run on multiple processors (up to 16!).
13. Free of viruses, there's no knowledge of any major virus for
14. It can handle hard disks of up to 16 Terabytes.
15. It is easy to get software patches, and they are free.
16. Big brands like IBM and COMPAQ are supporting it. Oracle also runs
on LINUX. MySQL and PosgreSQL replace flawlessly other Database
products. Many software vendors are already porting their systems
17. Many software vendors have implemented certification systems for
18. IDC International predicts the growth of Linux will be at a rate
of 25% per year.
19. It is not limited to run applications for Linux. There are
extensions to it available, to run and support emulation to other
OS's (Operating Systems) (Virtualisation can also be used!).
20. Lots of choice for almost every kind of software